Choose Us

We understand the importance of a solid educational foundation. At Howell Mountain School, we provide a safe, nurturing environment where all students, staff, and parents have the opportunity to reach their potential. We love learning, and it shows.

We Have What You Want

  • Technology. It’s here to stay, and it’s evolving at lightning speeds. Boasting a one-to-one device ratio, all of our students have simultaneous access to a laptop or tablet during the school day. As we move toward a digital curriculum, this becomes incredibly important in ensuring student success during their time at our school.
  • Multi-age classrooms. Our teachers instruct students in multi-age classes. This class setting helps students to thrive as they learn at a pace that is neither too slow nor too fast—but just right. Younger students have access to greater learning opportunities and their older peers benefit as they model leadership roles. The class configurations include the following combinations: TK/K, 1st/2nd, 3rd/4th, 5th/6th, and 7th/8th grade groupings.
  • Community involvement. The Angwin community is extremely supportive of the school district. There is an active parent group called the Wolf Pack and an educational foundation. The educational foundation and the local vintners have an auction each year to raise money for the district. We utilize these funds for enrichment activities, to support teachers, and for facility improvements.
  • Safe, well-maintained facilities. Safety is always our priority. Our facilities are secure, safe, and clean.

Core Values

Our core values are guiding principles for the Howell Mountain Elementary School District. These values represent how we want to “live” within our school community. Core values are for children and adults to embrace, internalize, model, and live by. They are an expression of what is deep and enduring within our school system.

  • We will continue to build a culture of shared accountability to excellence and growth.
  • We will continue to develop a strong, networked community committed to the development of the whole child.
  • We will continue to provide an effective, efficient use of resources.

Schoolwide Postive Behavior Interventions and Supports

Rather than telling our students what not to do, we focus on preferred behaviors. Utilizing the PBIS model, we have established simple, understandable behavioral expectations, which we consistently implement throughout the school. We recognize our students for their hard work and love to “catch” them in the act of being good.

At Howell Mountain, we will:

  • Be safe. Students will do their best to make sure they stay safe at school and keep their friends safe too. This means they will follow the rules and let a teacher know when there is a problem.
  • Be responsible. Students will follow the rules and make good decisions. This means students will complete their work, follow directions, and ask for help when needed. In addition, students will know the objectives being taught.
  • Be respectful. Students will treat everyone the way they would like to be treated. This includes friends, parents, visitors, and the staff at the school. Respect self and others.